Cambridge Counselling & Psychotherapy

Helping you find your way from distress to well-being


Offering specialist psychological services to suit a range of mental health needs in a supportive and confidential environment.

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Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy

Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy (CBT) is a well-established form of psychological therapy. It focuses on the interconnection between our thoughts, behaviours and feelings and how they interact to create a vicious cycle. By making changes to what we do and how we think, we can reverse that cycle and improve the way that we feel.

metacognitive therapy

Metacognitive Therapy

Metacognitive Therapy (MCT) is an evidence-based treatment based on the idea that what you think about your thoughts and how you interact with them is often more important than the content of the thoughts themselves. In MCT emotional distress is seen as the result of unhelpful strategies, such as worry and rumination. Individuals learn how to respond to these unwanted thoughts in a more adaptive way.

cambridge counselling

Person-Centred Counselling

There are times in our lives when what we need is for someone to listen without judgement. After a significant life event, such as a loss, a bereavement or in preparation for an upcoming positive or negative change, it is sometimes helpful to talk through things in order to organise our thoughts or next steps.